How Prioritising Employee Welfare Improves Your Business

Explore the reasons you should ensure prioritizing welfare, wellbeing and employee happiness can boost your business

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In this unique time where health has been a center of conversations in every industry, business leaders are prompted to seriously look into the welfare of their employees who serve as the main drivers of success. The need to nurture good health has been amplified, challenging everyone to explore ways on how to manage anxiety, deal with stress, and still sleep adequately alongside having proper meals.

It is nearly impossible to deliver quality outputs at work if you’re sick which is why prioritizing employees’ overall welfare is essential for all organizations to operate at an optimal level. Many companies have already started creating initiatives to create a better employee experience and encourage personal development to improve their health.

The working population suffers health problems primarily due to poor conditions such as insufficient introduction to technology and longer working hours among others. There needs to be a shift in mindset among all employers and not focus on the costs to cover better benefits for employees. Instead, they should be looking at the bigger picture which is actually more profits due to empathetic management.

If there’s anything that employers need to zero in on is whether they’re giving a livable wage considering market fluctuations and other wellness needs of their employees. Doing so lets them focus on their work without stressing about needing to do a side hustle to sufficiently provide for their family. This would help improve business workflow, cutting unnecessary back and forths that also have some costs. Below are more reasons as to how prioritizing employee welfare improves your business.

Enhances business reputation. When employees are happy with the company, the word will be out as they become advocates for their employers. If you’re running a business, you should take the initiative to know what your employees are invested in which could be their work-life balance or training for professional growth. This will guide you in recalibrating your priorities that will certainly be appreciated by the employees once implemented.

Moreover, as you keep them from leaving the company which costs are quite high, you’ll also get to attract good talents who might have seen your employees’ reviews on job-listing websites. Your well-received practices and employee benefits can contribute to differentiating your company from competitors.

Boosts company morale. Employees who are enjoying their benefits and the organizational culture will most likely be more satisfied with what they do at work. Knowing that you value them by giving what is due, they will be more willing to actively contribute to business goals and commit to the company. Expect that their attendance will also improve or be sustained as you support their productivity. More than the practicality of a good benefits package offers, it is the emotional attachment that will be retained in the minds of the employees.

There are a lot more benefits that the company recipes when their employees are holistically healthy through wellness programs. This includes lesser healthcare spending and health insurance claims, strengthened team connection since such programs can serve as team-building activities, and more open communication as they know that they are being listened to.

Develops organizational culture. A happy workforce will forge a healthy culture themselves which highly contributes to employee retention and satisfaction. After all, the people they work with still impact how they would feel or function on a particular day. Supporting a progressive organizational culture with sound benefits and HR programs could nurture loyalty. These will help you keep a team of excellent professionals who are willing to go above and beyond as you do the same for them. Continue finding an effective way to communicate with your employees to gather meaningful feedback on how to make things better.

The management team can work with the HR department on assessing how to best promote employee wellness and health initiatives. They should ensure that the employees have affordable and regular access to health care. It would help to check whether they are also making use of their paid leaves to ensure they are not overworking.

These are only some benefits that the business could enjoy when they make their employees’ welfare a priority. Look closely at what is happening on-ground to make informed decisions on what the company should be offering in a post-pandemic era. Other benefit options you may want to consider are financial counseling, retirement planning, and accident insurance among many others. Should the budget permits, a nice-to-have is also an installment of health resources in the workplace if there’s a need for a hybrid working setup. These can consist of health services, information, and a space that could support their physical and mental health.

Put together a good benefits plan in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. Don’t forget to also check in with your employees as you go along. Properly implementing the above mentioned suggestions could drive positive results and keep the company afloat amidst possible crises in the future.

This article was guest written by Regi Publico. Regi Publico is a full-time writer based in Manila who is also an artist for fun. She takes pride in her towering collection of books and loves reading about anything under the sun. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge through every article that she writes.
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